Friday, October 15, 2010

Vale of Belvoir- Threatened Highland Grassland Community

Xerochrysum subundulatum and the rare  rhodanthe anthemoides at the Vale of Belvoir

The vulnerable Stackhousia pulvinaris
Lake Lea in the Vale of Belvoir

The Vale of Belvoir Vale of Belvoir is an important Highland  Grassland Higland Grasslands near Cradle Mountain that has been bought by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy .
The Highland Poa grassland and Highland grassy sedgeland are threatened vegetation communitiesHighland Poa Grassland that are of high conservation value.
The Vale of Belvoir protects a number of rare and threatened plants and animals.

RTBG staff collecting at the Vale of Belvoir

The Tasmanian Land Conservancy describes the Vale of Belvoir -
"It is the only surviving grassy valley of its kind, unchanged since the time of the wallaby hunters of southwest Tasmania 18,000 ~ 20,000 years ago, when glaciers covered much of highland Tasmania.
The valley is widely recognised as one of the most important places for nature conservation in Australia. Five hundred hectares of private land sit, in the core of this conservation garden, which lies in a region now undergoing rapid development.
The tussock grasslands of the Vale of Belvoir are home to shy ground parrots, rare Ptunarra brown butterflies and numerous wildflowers. It is also home to one of the densest populations in the world of marsupial carnivores, including the vulnerable Spotted-tailed quoll and endangered Tasmanian devil".
Please take a look at the video link by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy to see the beauty of this spectacular area  that is one of my favourite places :

Tasmanian Bush Huts

Cooks Beach Hot-Freycinet Peninsula
Most bushwalkers have a soft spot for the many bush huts in the Tasmanian Bush.You may have been caught in a blizzard like we were a number of years ago near lake Ball and headed for Lake Antimony Hut which was a real saviour in such conditions.I love the history involed with all of these old huts and I feel they should be preserved for future generations.
I will add more images of huts around Tasmania as I visit.Drop me a line if you know of any hidden huts,particularly on the Central Plateau.
Lake Dobson Huts-Mount Filed National Park

Tommy McCoys Hut at February Plains

Tommy McCoys Hut at February Plains as used by Basil Steers.

Inside fireplace at Tommy McCoys Hut

Lewis Lees Hut at Lees Paddocks

Lake Ina Hut

Inside of Lake Ina Hut

Gingerbread Hut Mount Rufus

Joe Slater Hut at Mt Rufus

Lewis Lees Hut at Lees Paddocks

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cyttaria gunnii

Closeup of Cyttaria gunnii at Lee's Paddocks

Cyttaria gunnii is a parasitic fungus only associated with Nothofagus cunninghami in Tasmania and Victoria in cool temperate rainforest.The fungus is edible and is only observed in spring and summer.
The fungus doesn't kill the host tree but causes fungal galls on the tree that can re appear year after year with no apparent ill affects to the tree.

Cyttaria gunnii covering a Nothofagus cunninghami
The Genus Cyttaria has about 10 species and  is only found on Nothofagus species .The other species of the Genus can be found in New Zealand and South America.